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How to improve an international content marketing and SEO strategy

Expanding a business into the international market is a major milestone that comes with a variety of opportunities and its own set of challenges. In the digital landscape, this step marks a major development, which also requires adjustin...

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March 9, 2020 0 comments

5 Tips for Finding the Right Keywords for Video Optimisation

Just like any other type of content optimisation, optimising videos for higher rankings also often starts with keyword research and selecting the right keywords that represent user intent. However, researching keywords for video optimisa...

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March 1, 2020 0 comments

4 Pillars of a Successful Content Marketing Strategy

In 2019, 71 percent of B2B buyers said they consumed blog content during their buyer’s journey. The importance of content has never been higher in the online marketing world. But why do some content marketers and businesses succeed in co...

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January 20, 2020 0 comments

Google has started using BERT to generate top stories in the SERPs

Google’s latest update, BERT, has made a big splash in the SEO world. Google BERT, combined with other machine learning and natural language processing techniques, helps Google better understand the context of a search query and the sear...

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December 20, 2019 0 comments