Book SEO Strategy Call

Facebook introduces ads in Facebook Stories

It was just a matter of time, wasn’t it? Ever since Facebook started Facebook Stories, online marketers and Facebook advertisers suspected that ads are coming. However, Facebook has been suspiciously quiet about the success of Facebook S...

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June 11, 2018 0 comments

Subdomain or Subdirectory? Google’s John Mueller Clarifies

Subdomain or subdirectory? Which one is better for search engine rankings? More importantly, how does Google treat subdomains and subdirectories when it comes to ranking sites in the search engine results pages? This topic has been a mat...

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June 9, 2018 0 comments

Are you making these 5 meta description mistakes?

Although many modern-day SEO professionals believe that meta descriptions do not matter anymore, they still have some value. A few years ago, meta description was considered a relatively important search engine ranking factor. SEO profes...

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May 25, 2018 0 comments

Google offers extra ad real estate if you automated AdWords A/B testing

When it comes to Google AdWords and ad optimisation, how much do you trust Google’s machine learning over manual optimization and A/B testing? Most online marketers would prefer manually running A/B tests and optimizing Google ads, but G...

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May 14, 2018 0 comments