Book SEO Strategy Call

The April 21st Mobilegeddon: Here’s What the Impact Looks Like

If you have been following our blog, by now you probably know every detail about the April 21st “Mobilegeddon”. For those who just want a quick recap, it is arguably the largest mobile-friendly algorithm update by Google. In a nutshell, ...

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May 1, 2015 0 comments

The 21st April 2015 Mobilegeddon: What Steps Should a Small Business Owner Take?

The clock is ticking and April 21, 2015 is almost here. Google will soon roll out a huge algorithm update. Are you ready? I’ve already written about this a couple of times, but if you are still not aware of what is happening, let me quic...

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April 14, 2015 0 comments

How Local SEO is Changing & What Businesses Can Do About It

Local search engine results and search engine ranking factors are now one of the biggest and most important puzzles of local SEO. And the real catch is that local SEO is changing – and improving to an extent – all the time. R...

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March 13, 2015 0 comments

Why Local SEO is Important

Business owners up and down the country are still getting to grips with the new forms of digital marketing, including search engine and social media marketing. Those businesses that have already taken advantage of these relatively new ma...

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November 16, 2013 1 comments