6 Reasons Why You Should be Blogging on Medium
Content marketing always plays a major role in acquiring more traffic and growing an online business. However, when it comes to content marketing, most people wrongly confine it to just “content creation”. That is not true.
While ‘content creation’ is obviously an important part of it, publishing and sharing your content are also equally vital.
Good content marketers are always looking for different platforms and places to publish their high-quality content. Medium is one of such platforms that have garnered a lot of attention over the past few years.
But are you using it?
In this post, we discuss 6 amazing reasons why you should publish on Medium.
Ready? Let’s begin.
1. A Built-in Audience
One of the best things about Medium is that it lets you take your audience with you. For instance, if you already have a sizeable social media following, you can import those followers to Medium. It instantly gives you an audience.
Simply connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts, and Medium will automatically connect you with your followers who are using the platform.
2. A Great Import Tool
Any good publishing tool must have some great features that make them easy for you to actually use that platform. If they are complicated and complex, they may not be perfect for you.
Medium has a great import tool that allows you to instantly import a blog post and publish it on Medium. Moreover, the feature also lets you edit the post and its formatting in any way you like before you finally hit the publish button.
Apart from that, Medium adds a line at the bottom of the imported post with a link to the original post.
3. A Completely New Group Of Audience
In the first point, we mentioned how you can bring your existing audience to Medium. It does not end there, though.
Medium also uses an algorithm that lets your contents find a completely new group of audience and readers.
You can use this system to make your content visible to other people — that you couldn’t have reached otherwise — and grow your audience and readership.
The key here is to get more and more people click on the ‘heart’ icon on your posts. The more ‘hearts’ your posts get, the more visible these posts become to other people on Medium.
4. Automatic Promotion
Talking about ‘hearts’, it is also important to be mentioned that Medium works actively to promote good content.
For instance, if you get 200 hearts within 24 hours, your post can become a ‘top story of the day’. These top stories get featured and become prominent on the Medium website as well as the Medium mobile application.
Furthermore, Medium also sends a personalized email with recommended posts to its email subscribers. This email digest also contains a few top stories, which lead to even more promotion, views, and followers.
5. Increased Social Media Following
Social media following and Medium have a two-way lane.
As mentioned earlier, you can always connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts to your Medium profile and get instant followers. Similarly, it is also possible to grow your social media following because of Medium.
It is very simple. In the footer of your articles, make sure to create a good author bio and put links to your social media profiles. You will be surprised to see how much traffic you will get to your social media profiles from Medium.
6. Great ROI
Perhaps the biggest reason to use Medium is that it requires minimal effort but yields great ROI.
You just syndicate blog posts that you have already written and published. And in that process, you gain a very impressive traction, increased readership, more social media followers, and several opportunities to get featured in major publishers and acquire powerful backlinks.
Final Words
Jumping on Medium may seem a lot of hard work, but it really isn’t. Considering the rewards you get from publishing content on Medium, the benefits far outweigh the time and effort you put in.
There is a lot for everyone on Medium. I’d highly recommend to give it a try and gradually build your audience there. There are many benefits that you can reap later on.