Are You Seeing a Decline in Indexed Pages in GWT?
Are You Seeing a Decline in Indexed Pages?
Here’s the Truth. Here, take a look at the following picture. Does this image — the decline — seem familiar to you?
As you can see in the above image, the total number of indexed web pages that are being displayed in the Google Sitemaps report is showing a huge decline.
Are you the only one who has been experiencing it? Fortunately, no. You are not the only one.
As a matter of fact, many internet marketers, online entrepreneurs, and professional bloggers have reported this issue. Even hundreds of thousands of web pages are no longer being displayed as “indexed” by Google.
The fact of the matter is that The Google Search Console, which you should know by the name of the Google Webmasters tools, is bitten by a bug.
Yes, it is no more than a bug that is showing all these false reports.
The good thing is that Google is now aware of this bug and they are actively working on fixing it as soon as they possibly can.
Here is Gary Illyes confirming it on Twitter.
So, the bottom line is that if you have been experiencing such a decline, you do not have anything to worry about. It is just a bug and, as you already know by now, they are “working on it”.
Let’s hope it gets fixed soon.