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Find how we launched MS Webb & Co.

Onto Page 1 of Google for almost 100 keywords

The Problem

MS Webb & Co. is a well-established bailiff and security consultancy company serving England and Wales. With over 25 years of experience, MS Webb is one of the most trusted bailiff companies in the UK. However, despite their fantastic reputation, this business was struggling to be found by new clients in need of enforcement services due to a poor ranking performance on Google.

When MS Webb got in touch with us, we knew right away that we could help them out. We were able to put together a thorough SEO campaign which would propel their website to the very top of Google for a range of crucial terms and phrases related to their craft.

The Results


keyword phrases on Page 1 of Google

1st position

for 45 keywords


increase in search visibility


worth of new leads generated

The Strategy


As with any new client, our first step was to formulate a tailored plan in exhaustive detail. The planning process involved in-depth discussions with MS Webb in order to gain a strong understanding of the business, and a close look at any key competitors on the search engines results pages so that we could highlight what they were doing differently. Once enough information was gathered, we were ready to put our plan into action.

Keyword Strategy

Undertaking extensive keyword research is crucial for any ambitious SEO campaign. We evaluated hundreds of keyword phrases from a perspective of search volume, user intent, and competition-level; these factors helped us to choose which terms were the most optimal for us to target with the MS Webb site.

"On-Page SEO" Amends

At the beginning of our campaign, we carried out a probing technical analysis of the client’s website. This revealed some areas that were in dire need of further development in terms of on-page SEO.

If pages on a website are not well optimised for a positive and engaging user experience, search engines like Google will be discourage from ranking it highly in their organic search results. In order to combat this, we immediately set out to fix the issues uncovered in our analysis.

Below we have listed some of the most typical on-site areas for development:

  • Title tags
  • Heading tags
  • Meta descriptions
  • Robots.txt
  • Sitemap
  • Rich snippets & Schema tags
  • File names
  • Alt text and Title attributes
  • URL structure
  • Internal and external linking
  • Keyword density
  • Page speed
  • Page design
  • HTTP checks
  • Duplicate content checks
  • And more

Off-Page SEO

For this campaign, we knew we would also need a powerful off-page SEO strategy. This requires the acquisition of ‘backlinks’ from a range of well-regarded domains across the web. Search engines see each of these backlinks as a vote of support from a trusted source, so we made it a key goal to significantly grow our collection by reaching out to various webmasters, bloggers, and online influencers.

Our off-page strategy for MS Webb helped us to strengthen their overall level of influence online and rank much higher for their targeted keywords.

Keyword Ranking Results

Keyword Current Rank
Bailiffs in London 1st
Bailiff companies Manchester 1st
Bailiffs in Leeds 1st
Bailiffs in Reading 1st
Bailiff companies Bristol 1st
Bailiffs in Guildford 1st
Bailiffs in Cardiff 3rd
Bailiffs in Birmingham 3rd
Bailiffs Nottingham 3rd
Bailiff Surrey 3rd